Take a Tour of Our Most Impressive


A&B Global Group provides a range of consulting services in the mining industry in association with several other creditable organizations. This enables the delivery of a comprehensive solution footprint in order to meet our client’s needs. We’ve consistently delivered on large-scale, intricate projects with precision and success. Here are some of the projects we have worked on over the last few years.

Gamsberg Zinc Open Pit Project
Design to Implementation

Prieska Underground Copper Mine 
Definitive Feasibility

Kalgold Open PIT LOM
Operational Support

Wescoal Owner’s Team for Coal Project
Open Pit

Charaat Gold Holdings Ltd (CGH)
Tulkubash and Kiziltash Pre-Feasibility
Open Pit and Underground

Lucara Diamond – Karowe Mine
PFS and DFS Mining Option Studies
Open Pit

Amcol – Batlhako Mining
LG6 Underground Feasibility Study

Mimosa Mining Company
Mimosa North and South Hills Feasibility Study
Open Pit

Ixia Coal
Imvula Coal Project Feasibility Study
Open Pit

Tata Steel – Chromite Mine
Project Management of Feasibility Study
OP and UG

Palaspani Manganese Mine
Krishnaping Alloys
UG Scoping Study