Take a Tour of Our Most Impressive
A&B Global Group provides a range of consulting services in the mining industry in association with several other creditable organizations. This enables the delivery of a comprehensive solution footprint in order to meet our client’s needs. We’ve consistently delivered on large-scale, intricate projects with precision and success. Here are some of the projects we have worked on over the last few years.
Gamsberg Zinc Open Pit Project
Design to Implementation
Prieska Underground Copper MineÂ
Definitive Feasibility
Kalgold Open PIT LOM
Operational Support
Wescoal Owner’s Team for Coal Project
Open Pit
Wescoal Owner's Team for Coal Project Open Pit
Wescoal is a JSE listed mining company in the Coal commodity. A&B Global Group was appointed as to review the operational readiness from a mining engineering perspective for their Moabsvelden Project which is an execution project with 2.4 Mtpa production. As part of the Projects Owner’s Engineers, A&B Global Group reviewed feasibility designs for tender packages, feedback to the Wescoal Board, adjudication of tenders, negotiations with selected tenderer and operational readiness engagements.
Charaat Gold Holdings Ltd (CGH)
Tulkubash and Kiziltash Pre-Feasibility
Open Pit and Underground
Charaat Gold Holdings Ltd (CGH) Tulkubash and Kiziltash Pre-Feasibility Open Pit and Underground
A&B Global Group was requested to review a previous mining study undertaken by third party consultants and subsequently were tasked to complete the mine designand production scheduling for inclusion into a PFS. The main purpose was to define and simulate the open pit and underground mining potential, for inclusion into a preliminary feasibility study of CGH’s Tulkubashand Kiziltash ore bodies. A&B Global Group completed detailed underground and open pit optimisation, design and scheduling including cost estimation as part of the final study.
Lucara Diamond – Karowe Mine
PFS and DFS Mining Option Studies
Open Pit
Lucara Diamond - Karowe Mine PFS and DFS Mining Option Studies Open Pit
A&B Global Group was selected by Boteti Mining (Pty) Ltd and Lucara to provide a Class 1 (-15% to +25% costing accuracy) contractor and owner operated comparative mining study and a Class 3 (+/-10% costing accuracy) contractor and owner operatorcomparative mining study for Karowe Diamond Mine in Botswana. Results of the study were implemented on site.
Amcol – Batlhako Mining
LG6 Underground Feasibility Study
Amcol - Batlhako Mining LG6 Underground Feasibility Study Underground
A&B Global Group was requested by Batlhako Chrome Mine to undertake a PFS-level capital (Capex) estimation study into the development of an underground LG6 operation which will replace the current diminishing LG6/6a open pit resources. The study included a LOM design, including primary surface and underground infrastructure, LOM production scheduling, estimated mining costs (Opex), and resource/reserve estimation.
Mimosa Mining Company
Mimosa North and South Hills Feasibility Study
Open Pit
Mimosa Mining Company Mimosa North and South Hill Feasibility Study Open Pit
During 2014, A&B Global Group completed pre-feasibility studies for the Mimosa North and South Hill open pit project located in the Wedza Geological Complex of the Zimbabwean Great Dyke, some 150 km east of Bulawayo. This programme consisted of multiple teams and A&B Global Group executed a pre-feasibility study including mine modeling, mine cost modeling and financial assessment, reporting and support engineering.
Ixia Coal
Imvula Coal Project Feasibility Study
Open Pit
Ixia Coal Imvula Coal Project Feasibility Study Open Pit
Ixia Coal (Pty) Limited is a black-women owned and controlled coal mining company. A&B Global Group was awarded the Feasibility study of a surface mine on certain reserves to the north of the current Syferfontein Mine reserve area (Imvula Mine, also referred to as the Imvula Project). The project was successfully completed in early 2015 and included A&B Global Group managed and provided technical expertise for the full scope of the feasibility from mining to processing and engineering.
Tata Steel – Chromite Mine
Project Management of Feasibility Study
OP and UG
Tata Steel - Chromite Mine Project Management of Feasibility Study OP & UG
Tata Steel is a Tier 1 mining company in India and part of the TATA group of companies. A&B Global Group in collaboration with Wood PLC, provided the mining engineering services with specific expertise related to underground mining and an open pit plan was also completed at PFS level. The mine is an open pit mine in operation for over 50 years, and the feasibility was undertaken to extend the life of mine underground for a further 30 years. A&B Global Group provided the technical mining consulting and planning services for the completion of this study.
Palaspani Manganese Mine
Krishnaping Alloys
UG Scoping Study
Palaspani Manganese Mine Krishnaping Alloys UG Scoping Study
A&B Global Group was selected by Krishnaping Alloys Pvt. Ltd. to undertake a scoping level study for their proposed Palaspani underground (UG) operation at Chindwara, Madhyapradesh in India. Krishnaping Alloys Pvt. Ltd. is today one of India’s largest Manganese ore mining companies in the non-captive private sector. A&B Global Group completed a Scoping Level Capex & Opex Estimation & LOM Underground Mine Design & Production Schedule.